Perfectionism is a seductive narrative that can easily convince us that if we only reach or become X, Y or Z, we will then finally be happy, successful, and satisfied. Unfortunately, not only will being perfect acquire you none of those things, but the path to perfection can even lead to disastrous failure. In this podcast, I'll break down the manipulative appeal of perfectionism and explain how 3 words can lead to more fulfilment, productivity and happiness in your life. Let's dive in.

This podcast includes:

- the 3 words that will change your relationship to perfectionism

- understanding what is perfectionism and it's impact on real performance

- distinguishing between perfectionism and shame, judgment and confidence

- identifying the saboteurs underneath your perfectionism

- my own stories and struggles with perfectionism

- the link between perfectionism and a growth mindset

- 3 critical mindset shifts necessary to overcome perfectionism

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