Pandemics, recessions, and wars... breakups, deadlines, and traffic: Figuring out how to react and cope with stress when it strikes — whether it be huge or something small — can be hard. But is all stress bad? And can we really manage the way it affects us? In today's podcast, I’m taking you back stage to learn how you can manage stress like a pro. You'll get everything you need to know about stress, how to deal with it, and even how to come out of it stronger, more positive, and balanced. There couldn't be a more relevant time to have these skills, so buckle up for the ride and lets get moving!

This podcast includes:

- understanding stress, both acute and chronic

- my own examples of stress in my life and how I've managed it poorly and well

- assessing your own level of stress

- distinguishing between the good zone and the terror zone in stress

- 5 best practices for managing stress before it happens

- 2 best practices for managing stress in the moment it happens

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