When it comes to manifestation, actions speak louder than wishes. It's easy to say or think, "I want a new job" or "I want a different team." But if you're not taking action, then your wish remains just that: a wish. You won't get what you want until you put in the work to make the change happen. So don't just wish for something — plan and take the necessary steps toward making it happen!

In this blog, I’ll talk about manifestation, 4 steps to make your wishes come true, and why taking action is important.

Let's first define manifestation to then understand why actions speak louder than wishes.

What Is Manifestation?

“Manifesting” is the practice of thinking and believing in aspirational thoughts to make them real. Manifestation is setting your mind on something you want to happen and then making it happen in real life.

If you think it, believe in it and put your attention and intention into making it come true, then there’s a good chance it will or that at least something meaningful will come as a result. Action being the key part here of course.

With that in mind, let's discuss what you specifically need to do to manifest your ideas.

4 Steps to Manifest Your Dreams

Step 1: Be Specific and Imagine It

In order for actions to speak louder than wishes, you need to first formulate those wishes. This means making your intentions as specific as possible and pinpointing exactly what are your hopes, dreams, and goals. It's important that you can really visualize the future you are trying to create.

In order to attract, we need to know what it is that we want to attract. That's why the foundational step to manifestation is knowing first what you actually want. Only then can you use all the powers available to you to create those outcomes.

Take some time to imagine yourself in that future:

  • How would you feel?

  • What would you be thinking?

  • Where would you be?

  • Who else would be with you?

  • What challenges would you be faced with?

  • How would you overcome them?

Did you know that visualizing for even a few minutes a day activates the same parts of your brain that would light up if you were actually doing the things you are visualizing?

By starting to THINK it, you are starting to BE it.

And by visualizing not just the wish but also the path towards it (including how you will overcome inevitable obstacles you will encounter along the way), you set yourself up to tread the long road to your dreams.

So once you have a clear, specific intention and you can really see it, how do you then pair action with that? Well, since actions speak louder than wishes, you've got to make sure you’re using the right action.

Step 2: Take Small Actions and Look Out for Chances

Set aside a bit of time each day to think about the specific steps you can take to reach your goals, then build them into your daily routine.

Remember, manifestation isn't about getting favors from the universe. It's about being so clear and focused with your attention that you notice every small thing around you that can help you get closer to your vision.

  • Who do you need to talk to?

  • Where do you need to be?

  • What opportunities do you need to jump on?

Make this a part of your daily schedule. As the expression says, "Where attention goes, energy flows. And where energy flows, life grows.”

This is such an important mindset because the future you want to create is already here right now. You just need to start noticing the small signs and hints that are present all around you.

This means shifting your attention from where it currently is to where it needs to be. Specifically:

  • See the day with fresh eyes;

  • Keep your ears open; and

  • Jump on every little conversation or passing comment as the potential ticket to your future gold mine.

There are billions of possibilities around us all the time, and your job as a full-time manifestor is to tune your antenna to pick up and notice exactly the ones you most need right now. And once you pick up on it, do something about it. That's how you embody the truth behind actions speak louder than wishes.

Step 3: Stay Positive

Actions speak louder than wishes is also about your positivity mindset. There are a number of ways your attitude around manifestation will help turn dreams into reality:

  • Remove Obstacles - Staying positive means removing any obstacles or limits that may cloud your vision and/or block you from sensing what's around you. This includes noticing and suspending fear and negative self-talk.

  • Relentlessly Believe - The quote, “In order to manifest it, you must believe in its inevitability,” really captures the confidence required in manifestation.

  • Reduce Time with Toxic People - You will also want to reduce your time with any toxic people who tell you you can't reach your goals or drain your energy as you try to work towards them.

  • Be Grateful for What You Have - Remember to have gratitude and write down a few things you're grateful for each day. This is not just an appreciation exercise. It actually trains your brain to see more positive things happening each day, which is critical for keeping the momentum and motivation to push forward.

After you've put into place the first 3 steps on vision, actions, and positivity, there's one last ingredient to prepare for.

Step 4: Ride the Swing to Get Unstuck

While experiencing how actions speak louder than wishes, you will get in and out of contact with an emotion called motivation. When you're experiencing it, motivation is so powerful. However, it is also an emotion that comes and goes. And when it goes, we can be left feeling exhausted, uninspired, and hopeless.

Motivation is an exciting energy we feel at the start of something new. It's that natural high that is often externally sourced. When we are benefiting from the drive of motivation, it's called the first swing.

So once it disappears, we need something else to keep us going. And that something is a completely different type of energy, which, if accessed, can initiate a second swing of productivity and progress.

The energy of the second swing is one of structure. This difference between the initial energy of something new and the structured energy that will keep us going is called the model of 2 swings (for more about this, see my separate blog post called ("How to Deal with Motivation Swings").

Between the two swings is an energy dip, and most people quit here and return to something else that is still in its first swing. The commitment to keep going requires structure and a new kind of discipline.

So once you understand the inevitability of the dip in between the two swings, all that's left is to push through that dip and use structure and discipline to get into that second swing of energy. You can even prepare yourself for it in advance by deciding already what you will do once your energy drops and how you'll access that second swing.

You'll know and feel it once you get there. You might even find that the new kind of energy that you'll gain access to is even more reliable and steadfast than motivation.

This is really where actions speak louder than wishes.


Turn your dreams into reality by understanding that actions speak louder than wishes. Don't just daydream — start taking action!

To recap, here are the 4 steps to turning your dreams into reality:

1) Be specific and imagine it;
2) Take small actions and look out for chances;
3) Stay positive; and
4) Ride the swing to get unstuck.

Make sure you've got the right structure in place to support you and that you're doing your part by putting in the hard work and reflection needed to get out of the dip and into the next swing.

I hope this post has been helpful, and I wish you all the best in turning your dreams into reality! Good luck as you manifest by letting your actions speak louder than wishes.